SWIMS Alerts

SWIMS Message Center

Current Priorities

  • Data Warehouse/Reporting - 15% of team
  • Officials Tracking System - 35% of team
  • National Team Race Stats - 10% of team
  • Notifications improvement - 5% of team
  • Landing page dashboard improvements - 5% of team
  • Online Meet Entry improvements - 5% of team
  • Payments improvements - 20% of team

New Features/Bugs Fixed

  • Reporting
    • New dashboard for OME Meet Entries showing medal counts for Olympics and World Champs
    • Update OME Team Entry report to look at payments tables to include an In Progress filter
    • This update allows for the OME Entry report to show In Progress as well as Checked out athletes
    • New Ome Team Entry Overrides report
  • Membership
    • Cancelled member dates no longer show on Affiliations
  • Records
    • Add a new record for Pro swim series record progressions
    • Add logic to prevent duplicate records from being added
  • Competition/Times
    • Meet Referee staff validation is now on today vs. the meet start date
    • Time Recognition duplicate bug was fixed
    • Times will not automatically upload to a parent with no competition category even if that Member ID is in the file
  • Member Requirements
    • New flag on Member cards that indicate when a course was grandfathered
    • Update logic to look only a first registration after 9/1/2022 to calculate 365 days for CORE
    • Club Staff Requirements grid now shows this logic
  • Officials Tracking System
    • Certification requests and approval in progress
    • Dynamic Evaluation forms in progress
      • There is a pill in OTS Meets for NOC members to add Evaluators and assign Evaluations within a meet
      • Old Evaluation data has been migrated
      • Evaluation Report is live
      • Main menu item called “My OTS Evaluations” where Mentors can complete evaluations for 21 days following a competition. Evaluation forms are dynamically populated and stored based on Position and Evaluation level.
    • National Evaluators
      • NOC can now assign National Evaluators in the main menu item called “National Evaluators”
    • Meet Referees can now link a meet from “My OTS Meets”
    • Meet Referees/LSC Official Chairs can now add a new person to a meet called “OTS Session Assistant.” This person will receive the same permissions as the Meet Referee and can assist with adding sessions. This is done on a new pill called “Staff” within an OTS meet.
    • Meet Official Roles have been split from Certification Positions which allows LSCs to add roles like Clerk of Course, Scoring Personnel, Timing Operator, Evaluator, and Meet Personnel.
    • When adding an Official to a meet, the Apprentice slider now defaults to No.
    • Officials Search now includes an “Is Current” slider to restrict the return to only currently registered officials.
    • Expired Officials can now see “My Official History.”
    • LSC Bulk Recertification
      • Annual Session counts are now showing in the bulk recertification grid
      • LSCs can now recertify Officials
      • We have added a To Date filter in addition to the From Date filter
    • Officials can now see historical evaluations in their “My Official History”.
    • Officials can now see a detailed report of their Official History including certifications, registration requirements, courses, and meet session history.
    • LSC Official chairs can now see a detailed report of their Official’s History including certifications, registration requirements, courses, and meet session history. They can filter by registration dates and clubs.
    • Bug was fixed with the wrong email address was showing if someone switched from Officials Search to My Official History
    • Final data migration
      • Expired all MP, TI, AR Certifications to 12/31/2023
      • For Officials with an AR and no AO, we expired the AR and created a new AO record effective 1/1/2024
      • For Officials with duplicate AO certifications, we expired the non-AO record (MP, TI, CO) and kept the AO certification. If the Official didn’t have an AO record, we created one effective 1/1/2024.
      • For people with an MR and DR certification, we expired the MR and kept the DR.
      • For people that had MR and no DR, we expired the MR and created a new Referee record effective 1/1/2024.
    • An NOC member can now see LSC Bulk Recertification views
  • SSRP Features
    • SSRP Staff grid no longer showing coach good standing status for coaches who transferred away
  • Misc.
    • Security User Group adds now automatically assign the correct Admin Org Roles
    • Advanced duplicate check logic on NCAA roster add
    • Lane sheets can now accommodate relays!
    • Automated process to remove times that are too fast includes relay split logic
    • Improvement to the display of pills in LMS

Upcoming Roadmap

  • More Reporting
  • More OTS
  • OME Additional Features/Enhancements
  • LMS Features/Enhancements

Current Priorities

  • Data Warehouse/Reporting - 15% of team
  • Officials Tracking System - 20% of team
  • National Team Race Stats - 10% of team
  • Notifications improvement - 10% of team
  • Landing page dashboard improvements - 10% of team
  • Online Meet Entree improvements - 10% of team
  • Records/Times improvements
  • Front-End code version updating and Release Management improvements - 10% of team
  • Miscellaneous features - 10% of team

New Features/Bugs Fixed

  • Reporting
    • All Selections reports have been migrated from Bold to the new reporting tool
    • OME Psych Sheet Report is live
      • New Report for Times Not Recognized (Go to Meet Details -> Reports)
      • New report for OTS Meet Participant Certifications
      • New dashboard for Club Time Progressions!!!
  • Records
    • Records tool now has a Course filter
    • Records tool doesn’t lose filters when clicking back from drilling down into an event
    • Records tool get potential records now looks at age groups for relays
  • Competition/Times
    • Add Meet Add Staff will now save meet staff
    • Bug was fixed for a 3 part first name when uploading results
    • Users can now manually adds athletes and times to NCAA meets
    • Time Recognition process now uses Swim Date instead of Meet Start Date for APT verification
    • Records automated process now can handle Top Performer/Performance lists for relays
  • Provisional Coach Requirements
    • Automatic Provisional Coach to Coach upgrade is in place when a Provisional Coach completes all Coach requirements
    • Coach and Provisional Coach Requirements are now accurate
    • Member Card Coach and Provisional Coach requirements are now accurate
    • Member in good standing process now includes accurate Coach and Provisional Coach requirements (some coaches might fall out of good standing as a result)
  • National Team
    • Race Stats Vimeo integration is live
  • Officials Tracking System
    • Certification requests and approval in progress
    • Dynamic Evaluation forms in progress
    • Meet Referees no longer search OTS Meet Search but see My OTS Meets. This filters down the eligible meets for them to view
    • New Reporting pill in OTS Meets Search details
    • OTS Reports are now pointing at standardized LSC Certifications
    • LSC OTS Bulk Recertify is now using standardized LSC Certifications
    • OTS Officials Details LSC Certifications now using standardized LSC Certifications
  • SSRP Features
    • Enhancements to Board/Staff Membership enhancements
    • SSRP Volunteer Coordinator Membership enhancements
    • Cannot select Volunteer coordinator membership bug is fixed
  • Process built to remove advanced security permissions for members who have expired (some people might lose access they currently have as a result)
  • Misc.
    • OME now includes a new fee type called “Cost per International Staff”
    • Group Search now allows a “$” in the Group Code
    • Club Facilities are no longer showing deleted facilities
    • Meet Recon now includes a gender mismatch error in the report

Upcoming Roadmap

  • More reporting!
  • OME Additional Features/Enhancements
  • National Team Race Stats

Current Priorities

  • Reporting
  • System Performance and Maintenance
  • Officials Tracking System
  • National Team Race Stats
  • Online Meet Entry Improvements
  • Miscellaneous fea including Swim-A-Thon, SSRP, LMS, Manage Shopping Cart, other bugs


  • Reporting
    • LSC Duplicate Member report is back
    • Lane Sheets can now generate a report directly from the User Interface
    • Roster and Member Requirement reports now show expired seasonal clubs
    • Speed enhancements to the top times report
    • IMX Detail report is available to LSCs and Clubs
    • Club performance dashboard now includes IMX detail
  • OMR
    • Improved Prevention Measures on "Generate OMR Link"
      • You’re now required to type the word delete to generate the new link. This is a confirmation that it wasn’t accidentally pressed.
  • Officials Tracking System
    • Finalize Online Test Pill within Officials Details
    • Add Email Address to Officials detail header information
  • OME Features
    • We now collect a team contact for every entered team
    • Meet Host can now set a limit on number of relay entries per event
    • Add ability to change someone from Relay-Only to an Individual entrant
  • SSRP Features
    • SSRP Text updates for Action Plan for Bullying and MAAPP
  • Admins can now “Delete All Times” from a meet
    On the Times Results pill for a meet, you'll see a DELETE ALL MEET TIMES button.

    Delete All Meet Times Button

  • LMS
    • Before taking a Center for Safe Sport course, user is mandated to enter an email address. (New accounts) I will cover this one in more detail on a future webinar
  • Miscellaneous Features
    • Outreach Athletes now show on Club Roster with the Outreach role
    • Restrict Vendor Dropdown to only vendors eligible for clubs
    • Provisional Coach now shows on Club Staff (automatically added like other Coach roles)
    • Club Staff Add Member now does not require birth date (The search feature looks at name and LSC)

Bug Fixes

  • Club Bulk Renew payments now get receipt numbers (these were not showing on the dashboard in the My Payments section for the member that processed the payment)
  • Generate OMR link popup dates are now correct
  • Meet Search - Permissions lost if user navigates to Edit Team Entry and then back to Meet Search
  • When you navigation from Competition Results to delete a time, you will now navigate back to that meet
  • OTS Search now supports "&" character in the club name

Upcoming Roadmap

  • Security/Infrastructure improvements October/November
  • More Reporting!
  • SSRP Features
  • OME Additional Features/Enhancements
  • Times API

Current Priorities

  • OMR Enhancements/Updates
  • Reporting
  • System Performance and maintenance
  • Account Creation Simplification
  • Officials Tracking System
  • Miscellaneous features including Swim-A-Thon, National Practice Data, Records Admin Tool, other bugs


  • Reporting
    • New Reporting is live!
    • Reports pill on Club -> Team Management
    • Reports pill on Meet -> General
    • Reports pill on Meet -> OME Host
    • Reports pill on Meet -> OME Team Entry
    • Reports pill on Group -> Reports
    • Club Registration report can now be downloaded from the Workflow
    • LSC Reporting now -> Reporting -> LSC Reporting
    • Meet Recon report can now be downloaded from Meet Recon pill
    • Times Recon report can now be downloaded from Times Recon pill
  • Records Admin Tool
    • Can now add a new Record event to track
  • National Practice Data now live!
  • OMR
    • Added additional "Are you sure" modal when someone is registering a parent
  • Miscellaneous Features
    • Birthdate confirmed now shows on Club Transfer page
    • Member merge can now merge duplicates that have the same expired registrations
    • Seasonal members can now renew even if their membership is not currently offered
    • Affiliations pill now says “Lsc Code – Team Name” vs. the opposite
    • Administrator can now upgrade to Coach, Official, Other, or a combination of the above
    • Logo is now optional for Learn-To-Swim Registration

Bug Fixes

  • Gender Identity now shows up for all members on
  • Phantom purchase items is solved - these were purchases where the payment and the registration weren't connecting up
  • Transfer 60 days is now being calculated from Last Competition Date plus one day
  • Requirements read-only view now shows the correct status - This corrected the issue were someone would see "completed" when a course was enrolled (APT, for example)
  • Parents will no longer see the “Team is Expiring” message on the one-button self renew
  • Parents can no longer add deleted Member IDs as children
  • CAT users can now re-enroll in the course

Upcoming Roadmap

  • Security/Infrastructure improvements October/November
  • Swim-A-Thon Features
  • SSRP Features
  • Club Recognition Program
  • OME Additional Features/Enhancements

Current Priorities

  • Payments Processing/Refund Automation
  • Reporting Tools Proof of Concept
  • Club Renewal Simplification
  • Website Widgets
  • Bulk Club Renewal/Other OMR Enhancements
  • Account Management Admin Tool
  • Fixes to Session timeouts and MFA
  • Payments Admin Tool
  • Static Web Apps

Features/Enhancements (Deployed 6/28/2023)

  • Simplified Club Renewal (One button renew) (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Enhancements/Simplification of New Club Application (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Launch of Club in Good Standing Calculation (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Member Card Search Admin Feature (Staff)
  • Fixes to OME Export (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Scholastic All America ability to re-open an application (Staff)
  • Progress on Reporting (not live) (Staff, LSC, Club, Member)

Bug Fixes (Deployed 6/28/2023)

  • OME Fix to inviting Unattached Clubs (Staff, LSC, Club)

Upcoming Roadmap

  • Dashboard Reporting
  • Officials Tracking System
  • Club Recognition Program
  • Security Admin Tool
  • SSRP Bugs/Features

Current Priorities

  • Payments Processing/Refund Automation
  • Data Warehouse
  • Reporting Tools Proof of Concept
  • Club Renewal Simplification
  • National Team Bios
  • Bulk Club Renewal/Other OMR Enhancements
  • Account Management Admin Tool
  • Fixes to Session timeouts and MFA

Features/Enhancements (Deployed 6/8/2023)

  • Scholastic All-America launched June 1 (Staff, LSC, Club, Member)
  • Times Searches on public website are updated (Staff, LSC, Club, Member)
    • This should fix the "missing swim/meet" issue
  • Historical Altitude adjustments have been migrated
    • Altitude adjustment for current season meets has been working since 9/1, but requires the altitude to be entered in the facility prior to loading. A message was recently sent out regarding this to allow for correction if the altitudes weren't entered.
  • Meet Recon will have additional errors for Name and DOB mismatches (Staff, LSC)
  • VCC Report on website has historical data (Staff, LSC, Club)

Bug Fixes (Deployed 6/8/2023)

  • OME Export Is Foreign Flag is fixed (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • OME Relay Aggregate fix (Staff, LSC, Club)

Upcoming Roadmap

  • Dashboard Reporting
  • Officials Tracking System
  • Club Recognition Program
  • Payments Admin Tool
  • Security Admin Tool
  • SSRP Bugs/Features

Current Priorities

  • Learning Management System (LMS) re-design
  • Payments Processing/Refund Automation
  • Data Warehouse
    • Updates to the data warehouse are happening constantly. We're working as fast as possible to accurately move systems, such as the Individual Times Search, to the new warehouse.
  • Reporting Tools Proof of Concept
  • Learn-To-Swim Application
  • OTS Bugs/Features
  • Club Renewal Simplification
    • Soon, club renewals will only show required screens such as club type (year round/seasonal selection), acknowledgements, and payment.
  • Bulk Club Renewal/Other OMR Enhancements
    • More detail coming ASAP

Features/Enhancements (Deployed 5/18/2023)

  • New Payments system has launched! This includes itemized receipts! (Staff, LSC, Club, Member)
    • We will have a "hold" on refunds for a short period while we re-wire for the new system.
  • New LMS launched (Staff, LSC, Club, Member)
  • Learn-to-Swim Application and admin screens
  • Officials Tracking System
  • Landing grid for Officials Tracking now shows Reg, APT, BGC, CPT (Staff, LSC)
  • LSC Certs: Total Sessions worked includes Sanctioned meets regardless of Certification (Staff, LSC)
  • National Certification History now has show/hide button (Staff, LSC)
  • No longer require user to select an LSC to do an OTS official search (Staff, LSC)
  • Meet History now showing pre 9/1/2022 data
  • OME – Relays can now enter non-conforming times (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Prevent Update of Club Name/Code if the club is expired (Staff, LSC, Club)

Bug Fixes (Deployed 5/18/2023)

  • OMR - Individual Season offering now shows expiration date correctly (Staff, LSC, Club, Member)
  • Club History view is pulling in only Approved Registrations (Staff, LSC, Club)

Upcoming Roadmap

  • Login Account Management Tool
  • Improvements to Session timeout issues
  • Continued Data Warehouse evolution
  • Dashboard Reporting
  • Club Recognition Program
  • Security Admin Tool

Current Priorities

  • Learning Management System (LMS) re-design
    • Entering the final stages of development. Looking at mid to late May for roll out.
  • Payments Processing/Refund Automation
    • Along with the behind-the-scenes enhancements, members will see a detailed receipt accessible to them (a common request!)
  • Data Warehouse
  • Learn-to-Swim Application
  • OTS Bugs/Features
    • This work will continue for at least a few weeks.
  • Swim-A-Thon Enhancements/Bugs
  • Club Renewal Simplification
    • Clubs should only need to indicate if they are Year-Round or Seasonal and then complete payment. All other changes can be made through their club profile as needed.
  • Bulk Club Renewal/Other OMR Enhancements

Upcoming Roadmap

  • Continued Data Warehouse evolution
  • Dashboard Reporting
  • Club Recognition Program
  • Security Admin Tool

Features/Enhancements (Deployed 4/26/2023)

  • Officials Tracking System
    • National Certification History view is live (Staff, LSC)
      • A new pill was enabled specific to National Certifications. For those that aren't officials, it would be found when an official selects My Official History (middle pill is new):


    • Column sorting on Meet History view (Staff, LSC)
    • OTS Sessions only look at Sanctioned competitions (Staff, LSC)
    • LSC Certifications now show full history regardless of LSC (Staff, LSC)
    • Bulk Add Officials to Meets prior to meet start date along with more information in grid (Staff, LSC)
  • Meet Staff Add now validates registration on meet date rather than today’s date (Staff, LSC)
  • Swim-A-Thon
    • Can now cancel a Swim-A-Thon (Staff)
    • Prize dropdown sorts correctly (Staff)
  • Times Upload now notifies user when upload does not complete (Staff, LSC, Club, NCAA).
  • Member Search now currently shows UN athletes during 60-day UN period (Staff, LSC)
    • Members were previously showing their new club attachment before the completion of their required transfer period.
  • Member Times Screen is now organization-specific (Staff, LSC, Club, Member)
    • Only USA Swimming recognized times will be visible on the USA Swimming filter. Times that weren't valid at the time of upload will no longer be shown in that view.
    • Times are displayed upon initial loading (rather than requiring filters to be set before seeing times).

Bug Fixes (Deployed 4/26/2023)

  • Swim-a-Thon prize dropdown is fixed (Staff)
  • OME Export correctly designates Foreign athletes now (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Club Registration club info bug is fixed (Staff, LSC, Club)
    • This was preventing clubs from getting through the first step of the club registration process.

Current Priorities

  • Learning Management System (LMS) re-design
  • Lane Sheets
  • Payments Processing/Refunds
  • Data Warehouse
  • Learn-To-Swim Application
  • OTS Bugs/Features
  • Swim-A-Thon Enhancements/Bugs
  • Times Enhancements

Upcoming Roadmap

  • Continued Data Warehouse evolution
  • Dashboard Reporting
  • Club Renewal Simplification
  • Bulk Club Renewal/Other OMR Enhancements
  • Security Admin Tool

Features/Enhancements (Deployed 4/12/2023

  • OME – Launched to LSCs April 12th (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Groups tasks/bugs in progress (Staff, LSC)
  • OTS LSC Bulk Recertification has been launched
    • Extended the date dropdown and changed Birthdate to Expiration date (Staff, LSC)
  • Incremental Times Upload – LSCs can now upload only new times if times are already loaded (Staff, LSC)
  • Records Admin Tool – Launched (Staff, LSC)
  • Update to Member Good Standing process to set the expiration to one’s 18th birthdate if he/she has not completed APT (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • LMS Re-design moving to testing phase and final touches (Staff, LSC, Club)
    • Launch planned for Middle of May
  • Proof of Concept on Data warehouse in place – should be progressing quickly now (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Records Automation fully tested and working great (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Reporting Updates

Bug Fixes (Deployed 4/12/2023)

  • Officials Tracking System
    • Fixed Session Counts (Staff, LSC)
    • Removed duplicates on search grid and LSC Certification grid (Staff, LSC)

Current Priorities

  • Online Meet Entry (OME) final enhancements - We remain on track for a late March/Early April full release.
  • Learning Management System (LMS) re-design - Work on this is progressing nicely and it is now moving to testing/final touches.
  • Payments Processing - There are some required enhancements to payments to better support our e-commerce (including items like OME).
  • Data Warehouse and times matching - We've seen improvement in moving results into the Data Warehouse and how this impacts seeing them on the Individual Times Search and Reporting. Just so you know, uploaded times are only replicated once daily. Always give 24 hours before reaching out regarding times not showing in reporting/times search after loading.
  • Times Recon/Times Upload/Meet Recon - This week saw the release of IDs being used in Recon and Times upload. In addition, the Times Recon is now available (more information further down).
  • IMX/IMR - This week brought the release of the IMX/IMR reporting on the USA Swimming website - https://www.usaswimming.org/times/imx-imr
  • HQ Group Enhancements - Although this is currently targeted towards HQ use, these enhancements may also impact LSC and Club use.
  • Lane Sheets (Broadcast tool)

Features/Enhancements (Deployed 3/15/2023)

  • OME
    • Final Testing with LSCs – hope to launch to LSCs by the end of March (Staff, LSC, Club)
    • Can now have Time Standards with no qualifying window (Staff, LSC, Club)
    • Club/LSC Permission fix on Updating Time Standards (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Use Member ID in Meet Recon Upload (Staff, LSC, NCAA)
  • Use Member ID in Times Upload (Staff, LSC, NCAA)
  • Times Recon Feature (Staff, LSC) – launching tonight
  • Groups tasks/bugs in progress (Staff, LSC)
    • Groups Add Member no longer requires Member ID (Staff, LSC)
  • Lane Sheets - Final touches/testing (Staff)
  • Website – IMX Widget launched
  • LMS Re-design moving to a test phase and final touches (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • OMR now prevents two seasonal registration in the same membership year (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Reporting Updates

Bug Fixes (Deployed 3/15/2023)

  • Times Upload can handle 25 splits (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Times Upload loads all 1650 splits now (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • OTS My Meet History now works for all Officials (Staff, LSC, Club)

Upcoming Roadmap

  • Pre-Competitive/Learn-To-Swim
  • HQ/LSC Records Admin Tool
  • Continued Data Warehouse evolution
  • Dashboard Reporting
  • Swim-A-Thon Enhancements
  • Security Admin Tool


Times Recon Tool - To access the Times Recon, head to Competition -> Meet Details -> Meet Search. Select the meet you wish to run a times recon for, and you will now see a Times Recon option.


After you upload a cl2 file (please use Entries for SWIMS Times Recon from File -> Export in Meet Manager), you will not receive a pop-up telling you to go to reporting. That will be updated in a future release. Instead, wait for the loading screen to go away and head to Reporting -> LSC Times Recon Report. This is similar to how the registration Meet Recon works (minus the pop-up telling you to go there).


Next, you will select your meet from the drop-down. Just so you know, we currently only see future meets in the list (we will work through this in future updates).


After selecting your meet, enter the qualifying window (if any) and click View Report.


As this is a new release, please report any issues you might have, so I may gather them and relay that info to the team.


On that previous registration webinar, it was discussed that after April 1, 2023, there would be no upgrades for expired seasonal memberships. If someone wishes to continue after their registration expires, they must go into OMR and purchase a full membership. We will not honor refunds or extension requests (where we extend the seasonal a few days to allow an upgrade) after April 1 for transactions involving expired seasonal memberships.

Features/Enhancements (Deployed on March 1st)

  • OME
    • Final Testing with select LSCs
    • Unattached athletes can now add a coach to the credential list (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Groups tasks/bugs in progress (HQ, LSC)
  • Lane Sheets
  • Website - NCAA Times Search widgets in final testing
  • Removed video links from Login Page (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Reporting Updates

Bug Fixes (Deployed on March 1st)

  • Non-registered clubs no longer have OMR links (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Bug fix on Background check (Staff, LSC)

Current Priorities

  • Online Meet Entry (OME) final enhancements (15% of team)
  • NCAA Selections tool (20% of team)
  • Learning Management System (LMS) re-design analysis (15% of team)
  • Lane Sheets (15% of team)
  • Data Warehouse and times matching (10% of team)
  • IMX/IMR (10% of team)
  • Website Widgets – NCAA, Records, IMX (5% of team)
  • HQ Groups Enhancements (10% of team)

Features/Enhancements (Deployed throughout the week)

  • OME
    • Feature to Force Aggregate Time if Aggregate is faster than team time (Staff, LSC, NCAA)
    • Feature for Admin to remove someone from OME Roster (Staff, LSC, NCAA)
    • Expanded beta testing OME (LSC)
    • Update Times feature (Staff, LSC, NCAA)
  • Website – NCAA Times Search widgets in progress
  • Reporting
    • We continue to work through the issue with the LSC Top Times report. However, with the right parameters, the LSC Club Top Performers, Single Age, or Future Age Top Times reports can do the same thing.
    • You can now filter the LSC Club Roster by Outreach Athlete as the member type.
  • OME Psych Sheet (Staff, LSC, NCAA)
  • Multiple OME Reports (Staff, LSC, NCAA)

Bug Fixes (Deployed throughout the week)

  • Member Upgrade process fix

Upcoming Roadmap

  • Learning Management System (LMS) re-design
  • HQ/LSC Records Admin Tool
  • Continued Data Warehouse evolution
  • Dashboard Reporting
  • Swim-A-Thon Enhancements
  • Pre-Competitive/Learn-To-Swim

Features/Enhancements (Deployed on February 15th)

  • OME
    • Multiple NCAA Enhancements
    • Be able to use Override time for any event regardless of if you have a qualifying time (LSC, NCAA)
    • Update Times feature (Staff, LSC, NCAA)
  • Selections - Final Testing
  • Groups - Group Categories update (National Team)
  • LMS - Feature added to get completion dates for users who go straight to Center for Safe Sport (Staff, LSC)
  • Website
    • Record Tracking, All Time Age Group Top 100 Reports are live (Staff, LSC, Club, Member)
    • Website - NCAA Times Search widgets in progress
  • Reporting
    • Ages added to LSC Reports (LSC)
    • VCC by Club Size Report (Staff, LSC, Club)
    • NCAA/OME Reports (Staff, LSC, NCAA)

Bug Fixes (Deployed on February 15th)

  • OME Enhancements for NCAA

Features/Enhancements (Deployed Today)

  • Times Error Tank - Potential Unmatched screen is now including the Member ID lookup (Staff, LSC)
  • Times Error Tank Member ID Lookup

Features/Enhancements (To be Deployed on February 15th)

  • OME
    • Additional NCAA enhancements (NCAA)
    • Update Times feature in Progress (Staff, LSC, NCAA)
  • Selections
    • Selections Entries Export in Progress (NCAA)
  • Member Card- Expired Junior Coach member cards for 18-year-old members no longer shows (LSC)
    • This was a bug where Jr. Coaches that turned 18 were issued a coach card, but the Jr. Coach card was still visible
  • All Courses
    • LSC Edit screen now only shows most recent completion date (LSC)
    • Welcome to USA Swimming (LSC) now included
  • LMS - Feature added to get completion dates for user who go straight to Center for Safe Sport (Staff, LSC)
  • Website - Record Tracking, All Time Age Group Top 100 reports in final testing (Staff, LSC, Club, Member)

Bug Fixes (Already Deployed)

  • Virtual Club Championships (VCC) Report (missing clubs) on the website has been fixed.
  • Virtual Club Championships (VCC) Detail view has been fixed (Staff, LSC, Club).

Current Priorities

  • Online Meet Entry (OME) final enhancements (15% of team)
  • NCAA Selections tool (30% of team)
  • Learning Management System (LMS) re-design analysis (20% of team)
  • Lane Sheets (15% of team)
  • Data Warehouse and times matching (10% of team)
  • Virtual Club Championships/IMX/IMR (10% of team)

Features/Enhancements (Deployed on February 2nd)

  • Software Upgrade to Reporting tool (completed on 2/1)(Staff, LSC)
  • Times Error Tank - Potential Unmatched screen is complete (Staff, LSC)
  • OME
    • Unattached athletes can enter themselves (Staff, LSC, Club)
    • Getting Altitude Adjusted Swim Times into OME Entry (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • Selections
    • Division III rules have been implemented (NCAA)
    • Psych Sheet Report and Alternate reports are complete (NCAA)
  • Virtual Club Championships (VCC) Report on the website has been fixed. We are still working the Detail view (Staff, LSC, Club)
  • LMS0 Feature added to auto enroll soon-to-be 18 year olds into APT
  • OTS- LSC Bulk Recertify application is complete (LSC, Official)
  • Reporting

Bug Fixes (Deployed on February 2nd)

  • OTS- Session Count in grid has been fixed (LSC, Official)

Upcoming Roadmap

  • Learning Management System (LMS) re-design
  • Lane Sheets
  • HQ/LSC Records Admin Tool
  • Continued Data Warehouse evolution
  • Dashboard Reporting
  • Swim-A-Thon Enhancements
  • Pre-Competitive/Learn-To-Swim

Current Priorities

  • 1/2 of the team has been steady working on continued OME enhancements and NCAA Selections tool
  • IMX and VCC
  • Data Warehouse improvements
  • NCAA customer support and times matching
  • Merges

Features, Enhancements, Bugs

  • OME successfully launched on January 3rd
    • It is only open for NCAA and select USA Swimming meets
    • Fixed a bug on alternate events
  • Updated 36,000 Member Registration records from New to Renew due to merges
  • National Age Group Records widget is live
    • This is an important step for LSCs to get closer to their records reporting and management
  • Numerous HQ Committees enhancements
  • OTS Enhancements/Bugs
    • Can now extend LSC Certification up to the year 2030
    • Meet History is now live in OTS
    • We are working on LSC Bulk Recertification
  • LSCs can now Add/Edit courses on All Courses
    • This will allow registration admins to enter certifications for people that don't yet have a role (like CPR for someone that isn't a coach)
  • Expired Member cards now display
  • Meet Add, Meet Staff, and Meet Sanction Request all utilize a new member lookup using First Name, Last Name, LSC
    • This will operate like the OTS search. We will continue looking to make the searches more consistent throughout areas in SWIMS.
    • Member ID Lookup
  • Times Error Tank
    • Added Middle Name/Initial to the right (Match) side of the grid
    • We are still testing a change to the Unmatched screen that provides potential matches
  • Meet Recon
    • Additional changes to the matching logic of the name were released (and subsequently tweaked com more). There was a glitch with close in name matching showing incorrect people (not in the meet) which is corrected.

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